Monday, March 26, 2012

From Very High to Very Low

Once upon a time, I had faith in people.  It was quite nice, actually.  I would ask someone to do something for me when I needed help and he/she would do it.  I would tell someone how I feel about them and they would be honest in what they said to me.  When someone informed me of a decision that they were going to make concerning me, they would stick with it.  But those days have passed and gone.  Where did they go?

I have had difficulty finding the real reason.  Some may say that it's because people often overbook themselves and can't make time for others.  Others say that it's a result of false faces and feelings.  There may be others who call it being "indecisive".  My reasoning is simply this: people are too self-absorbed.

In today's world, everything has become "me" centered.  How does this benefit me?  What will I get out of this?  What are you going to do for me?  You walk around long enough and you'll see this practically everywhere you go.  Examine your relationships, past and present.  I can probably guess that most, if not all, of the ones that ended were a result of someone being focused on what he/she wants.  In many cases, there isn't even an attempt to salvage anything, or even to "test the waters", for lack of a better term.  Some end so quickly that you're left wondering, "What in the world just happened?"  And they can feel like a very swift and unexpected punch in the gut.

Yes, this is very passive-aggressive.  But you would do well to think about this for at least a few minutes.  The last thing anyone would want to do is get involved in something that will leave them feeling like they just got hit by a large, heavy object (a train, for example).  I can tell you from experience that it does indeed take a long time to get over a feeling of being lied to, or being left hanging out to dry and then forgotten.  It is my belief that the Golden Rule no longer applies.  But hey, who am I to judge?  Especially based on the few things that I have seen and that I know.  I'm sure someone, somewhere out there, would be inclined to disagree with me.  Good for you, whoever you are.  Maybe I'm just pessimistic and have a negative outlook on life and hate people.  Maybe I have more emotional scars than people realize.  Maybe I'm just sick of being on the receiving end of every negative social experience imaginable.

Whatever the case may be, I would love nothing more than to have something finally go my way.  Just once.