Saturday, January 1, 2011

The End of Another Year. Goodbye 2010!

Another year has come and gone.  What has happened?  Let's review:

January: started a relationship.
March: another birthday!
April: aforementioned relationship terminated.
May: new friends move in.
June: intramural softball.  Trip to Manti.
July: family comes to visit in Provo.
August: super awesome trip to Europe! (Poland, France)
September: start new semester.  Stomach goes haywire.  Begin football season!
October: stomach still going haywire.
November: can I get another October, anyone?  Oh yeah, Thanksgiving trip to San Francisco!
December: finally finished an unreasonably difficult semester (somehow managing to keep the GPA above a 3.0 for the semester).  And, yes, the stomach issue still has not been terminated (after upwards of 10 visits to the doctor).

So, through all of this, I still managed to learn some things about myself.  I realized that I have more strength than I give myself credit for.  I've never been a quitter, though sometimes I wish I would just give up!  I learned that it's okay to ask friends for help.  I learned that if someone asks a ridiculously stupid question while I'm working at the library, to just grit my teeth, force a smile and answer politely.  I learned to not tell girls that I've lost 15-20 pounds over a span of 3 months, the reason being that they ALL want to have the same problem that I'm having so they can lose that much weight as well (no disrespect intended towards the female population).  And most importantly, I learned that, through thick and thin, the Lord does not abandon us, His children.  As many times as I felt alone and abandoned, that was never the case.

Photo review of 2010:

Playing a bass in Wroclaw, Poland.

Bailing water at 2 AM. . .

General Conference with Christine!

And Christine's birthday.

After a run-in (literally) with a guard rail on the way to San Francisco.

FOOTBALL!  Nate Dawg wants YOU to root for BYU!

Everyone wants a piece of Matt Green.

Manti pageant trip.

Bass studio trip to Poland.

Lights on Temple Square.

Intramural Softball!

2010 was a tough, taxing year.  I learned a lot, but some of the things that I suffered through I would rather never have happen to me again.  Here's to hoping that 2011 brings better times, better results, and LESS SICKNESS!


  1. Not to correct you, but Manti was in June. That's all. ;)
    Thanks for being a great friend, Matt. You made this year great!

  2. Awwwww, you posted pictures with me! :) And I had to double check, but Chantel was right. I thought it was May also. What a year! Goodbye 2010, hello 2011!!

  3. thanks! the change has been made :)

  4. What happened in February? You can't neglect February!

  5. February stinks. and nothing happened anyway.
