Sunday, March 13, 2011

Barry Green

This week was really cool!  Barry Green came and did a master class on Thursday and gave a recital on Friday night.  One of his favorite things to do is to get people to move with the music, since that's what music should do.  So for that reason, the recital was quite entertaining.

But I think that the best thing about Barry being here was being able to play in a bass quintet with him.  We played Jamba Mon, written by the one and only Eric Hansen.  I was intimidated at first, just because playing with two bassists of that caliber doesn't happen all that often.  But just sitting in and listening to Barry play, then getting some feedback from him after I played in master class, opened my eyes even more to what I can do with the bass.  It was cool!

1 comment:

  1. And you are welcome for taking pictures of your rehearsal! :)
