Friday, March 4, 2011

HFAC Practice Tombs. Errr.... Practice Rooms

So I'm doing a research project on the availability and reservation of practice rooms and have come up with a few ideas.  I talked to Kory Katseanes the other day and he chuckled when I told him that students were having trouble finding practice rooms, stating that "every time I go down the practice room hallway, I always see rooms that are open."  But that led me to think about some other things.  For example, students can practice until 11 PM, when the HFAC closes.  But is that realistic?  Some people actually go to bed at decent hours (I may not be one of them, but it happens).  Others can't be there at 6 AM when the HFAC opens.  When students are on campus during the day, they want to practice.  But the rooms are all being bombarded with people trying to steal rooms; waiting for those who have reserved them, who are not using them, to miss their 15-minute window to claim that room.  SO.  Here are some ideas that I have come up with in my research:

Practice rooms that are available for reservation: 42
Practice rooms specifically for Organ/harpsichord: 6
# Upright/electric Piano: 18
# Grand Piano: 18

Students in SoM: ~700 (incl. graduate students)

Bigger practice rooms should be reserved for larger instruments (i.e. basses/cellos). Set aside
specific rooms for specific instruments. Less mobile instruments have reserved rooms in the E
Wing of 2nd floor practice hallway. Smaller instruments have some of those, but do not have
priority on those rooms, since they are more mobile and can be taken to C Wing practice rooms.

Model practice room availability after organ, harp and percussion studios?

Keep the 15-minute rule.

Sine the reservation system stores the students' class information (level and instrument), this can still be done online.  Rooms can be set aside proportionally to accommodate each studio.  Once each student has an opportunity to sign up for his/her studio's assigned practice rooms, reservation opens to all other students.

I'm curious to know what people think about my research so far.  If you have any suggestions, let me know!  I'm going in to talk to Mark Ammons on Monday afternoon to talk to him about these ideas.  Any feedback would be welcome!

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