Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas in Georgia

This Christmas was interesting.  It started with me going home for the first time since LAST Christmas (that's right, I did not go back to the Mother Land for a whole year).  Miraculously, all of  my flights/connections were on time!  And I even had a travel buddy!  Lucky for me my friend Ashton was on my flight!  Made the voyage a bit more bearable than it usually is.  But I came home to a houseful of sleeping people, since I didn't get in until midnight.

The best part of the whole break was being able to meet my beautiful niece, Alaina.  She is a whole 2 months old and SO big!  It was so nice to be able to hold her and "talk" to her.  Even though David didn't get back until the day AFTER Christmas (work complications; it happens as a musician) it was great all around.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Matthew has a blog! Very nice start!! :) and I get to be the first one to comment! I feel so lucky!
