Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter Semester. . . BRING IT!

So the new semester started with me getting back to Provo around 1:30 in the morning after missing the first day of class.  Great start, right?  Well, since I had been travelling, the first day of class was pretty much shot.  I missed the first day of World Music and Pearl of Great Price.  But if there was one day of class that I absolutely HAD to miss, this was it.  I did make it to orchestra rehearsal though, which was good because we started reading the music for the ballet "Cinderella".  It is surprisingly difficult!

side note: Kory's speeches during orchestra... can they be ANY LONGER???

Okay, back to school.  We'll actually fast-forward to school day #2.  I was ready for class!  I got up on time, left the apartment on time, got to campus on time, walked into class on time, when suddenly!  (Dramatic pause!) The classroom was EMPTY!  I stood there for a minute, wondering, "well, if class is Tuesday and Thursday at 10... then why is no one in the classroom?..."  I wandered around for a little while and decided it would be best to email my teacher about it.  So in response, he says, "I was out of town, so we didn't have class.  Make sure you're there on Tuesday!"  Then, to make this story better, I checked on Blackboard to get my syllabus.  And what was listed for Thursday's class?  "NO CLASS!  I will be out of town!"  Needless to say, I felt like a total idiot.  Way to go, Matt Green. . .  Way to go. . .

Then work is always fun.  How does a single guy at BYU get stuck working on Friday nights from 7 to MIDNIGHT?  That's prime date time!  You'd think that a university that stresses dating and marriage so much would be sensitive to that, but NOOOOOOOOOO!  Thank you, BYU.  The only thing that makes this worth it is that I don't have to work Saturdays.  At least I have something going for me.

This is what I have to say to Winter Semester 2011: BRING IT!
Or, in a nicer way, I shall quote "The Count of Monte Cristo":  "Do your worst!  For I shall do mine!"


  1. "I don't know what to write about!!" Looks like you had something to say! :P

    Yes, Friday night is "Prime Dating Night", thankfully Saturdays are alright also.

  2. Slash Friday night YOU MISSED MY PARTY. Yes you came eventually, but still.
    And since I'm currently not attending BYU, I will swear at the institution for you. :D
