Friday, June 24, 2011

"Finest and Brightest"

You know, for all that everyone says about BYU students being the "finest and brightest" (among college students, I assume), it's not really what I imagined it to be.  Maybe I'm looking at every single one of the bad examples of that, but I work in the library in the middle of campus and see, literally, thousands of these so-called finest and brightest every day.  Final analysis: unimpressed.

Let me give you a few examples:

Ex. 1:  "I 'forgot' my student ID card (required to check out materials and print in the library, and all over campus, in addition to a plethora of other things on campus).  Can you print this 15-page paper for me?"

Um, if it was really vital that you have your paper printed, you should have remembered that and brought your ID card with you to campus.  You are in COLLEGE.  Be responsible for yourself.  And it would be different, Mr/Ms BYU Junior, if I hadn't had you come to my desk X number of times asking me to do the same thing.  So my answer to you?  Come back when you can wipe your own butt.

Ex. 2: "I'm looking for a book on [insert subject here].  Can you find one for me?"

Do it yourself.  If you can't find one after you have legitimately tried, THEN come talk to me.

Ex. 3: "Can I check out books here [at the Information desk]?"

*Slowly turn head to look at the desk marked "CIRCULATION" not 20 steps to the left and stare at it until point is taken*

Ex. 4: "I am 'an alumni'..."

So you're telling me that you're . . . multiple people in one?

Ex. 5, courtesy of my dear coworker, Carl Hollan: "Can I check out a sewing machine here?"

Only comment: this is a LIBRARY.

Ex. 6: Getting a death glare from a cashier in the BYU Bookstore for having an opinion of Harry Potter other than, "Oh my God it's like the best series ever and it's like so awesome and it's like so good and I can't wait for like the movie to like come out so I can see like the same thing that I like just read and then complain that the book is like better and I don't see how like someone could NOT like Harry Potter!"

*This is my "shut up before I kick your jaw off" face*

Ex. 7: Thinking that wearing only leggings counts as pants/modest clothing; also mini-skirts w/ leggings.

Please, re-re-re-re-re-read (that's reading AT LEAST 6 times) the numerous talks that have been given, in addition to the counsel given in For the Strength of Youth pamphlet about NOT wearing form-fitting clothing.  Also, re-read that thing that you signed before you were allowed to come to school here.  We call it the Honor Code.

Ex. 8: "Do you have this journal in the library?"
"No, we don't have that one."
"But I need it."
"Sorry, we don't have a copy of it."
"No, but I REALLY need it."
". . . and we STILL don't have it."

Just because you need something doesn't mean that it's going to magically appear.  Come on, people.

Ex. 9: "I have a research paper that's due tomorrow and I need to find some sources . . ."

Congratulations.  You are the 24th person today to tell me that.  Go do your homework, and next time, don't put it off til the last minute.

Ex. 10: Guy says, "Hey, do you want to go out with me this weekend?"
Girl responds, "No, sorry.  I have a missionary."

So that bans you from any social activity whatsoever; because there's this boy who you can't talk to or see that lives halfway across the world and most likely isn't even THINKING about you at the moment.  Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.  And because going out on a date means that you have to get married.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this is BYU.  It's a foregone conclusion that if you go on a date, you HAVE to get married.

These are my 10 examples for today.  Tune in next time when I have an extension of these 10 examples of our "Finest and Brightest".

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